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Review Jeff's Werkstät - Combo 1

Some days ago I came planning to test this product. After probing through some forums I found 3 car brand to do this test with Jeff's Werkstät products.
The first patient is a Seat Leon 2 Cupra - TFSI / 240 hp - White Candy. That was the condition of the car before applying the treatment.

Este es el combo que decidí aplicarle al Cupra.

We went to the garage the car wash to start the washing process, first the tires and then paint.

Materials used for washing wheels and wheel arches.

- ValetPro Bilberry Safe Wheel Cleaner 1:4
- Meguiar's APC 1:4
- Daytona Speed Brush
- Mothers Wheel Brush
- Mothers Tire Brush

We started rinse the rims and wheel arches.

After cleaning wheels, tires and wheel arches back to Rinse

Now we can go paint Rinse the shampoo.

We use 80 ml of shampoo Autobody Wash for 10 liters of water. And the lamb glove Dodo Juice
Supernatural Wash Mitt, with the technique of the two cubes.

After shampooing the entire car passed the final rinse.

As you begin to dry, we are faced with the surprise...

We dried the car with the towel Chemical Guys Miracle Dryer.

After drying we can see that the spots that appeared in the previous photos were removed by washing.

Next step cleaning the painting with the Prime.

First past and we have the result of cleaning the paint on the cotton swab.

Prime charged on the roof.

After removal, the leaves look finish.

Other examples after having it removed.

After application and removal of the Prime, curing 30 minutes left.

Continued implementation of Acrylic Jett, two layers, leaving a cure of 30 minutes between coats.

After the healing of Acrylic Jett continue to finish the job by applying a coat of Acrylic Gloss.

Tires treated with Finish Kare # 1000P and tires fitted with Meguiars Endurance High Gloss.

Final Result.

New photos.

Final Conclusions.

JW Autobody Wash - A shampoo for normal, good cleaning power but maybe a little low of lubrication. Perfectly fulfills its function but not emphasized.

JW Prime - Easy to apply, work and retire, cleaning agents work to perfection, leaving a glossy, smooth and soft to the touch. I like that. This product is quite fluid.

JW Acrylic Jett - Just a great product! The applica and withdrawal to be a sealant is as easy I tested so far, impressive.

JW Acrylic Gloss - The perfect complement for the Acrylic Jett, that has good lubricating Quick Detail and finish. Pleasant surprise.

Briefly proves the Werkstät combo 2.
Forgive me for my modest English.